Chapter Six


Chapter six of Artisan Writers will begin in February of this year!. This is a chance for you or someone you know to possibly jump into this songwriting community! Don’t wait on this one!



Chapter six will look a little different than the previous. As we have grown so much, we feel the need to have two separate groups. One will be specifically geared towards artists and producers. This will be more modern genre’s such as pop, country, R&B, etc. Since we have had so many also want to write music for the church, we will have a branch dedicated to that as well! Please specify your preferred genre below. (Artistry or Worship)

Chapter 6 applications are open until January 30th. Please don’t let that stop you though, you can still beat the rush and apply to join us today. The start date will be in February of 2024. If you or someone you knows are interested in joining us, fill out the application below!

We are open to all kinds of artists who are interested in joining our team. Even if you have never written a song and want to grow in the area of writing, we will keep an open mind. You don’t have to be a great singer or even a great musician. If you can write a poem, you can write a song! That being said we are looking for people who are serious about writing and understand this isn’t only about themselves. This is a co-writing experience and it takes a united and dedicated team to make it happen!

Fill out the information below and we will get back to you asap. Thanks for taking interest in what we do, we know you will love it!

This is what it looks like. This is who we are. This is what we do. We are a family first and songwriters second. We support each other and we always want the best for the other person.